Wednesday, February 26, 2014

That was Monday.

It's like when you're swimming in the ocean
And the bottom becomes the top
And you don't realize that the whole time
You have been swimming down for air
-- Crack the Mirror - Melissa Ferrick

Monday I sank to the bottom of the hole I've been trying to swim out of for months now. I laid there in the detritus and let the demons of the deep drive their spears into my chest. For a while I thought I would drown. The surface was too far away and I didn't have the energy to swim. The demons told me that I didn't deserve to try and I allowed myself to believe them. I let myself sink into the mire until it seemed I would never move again.

That was Monday.

Today I am floating toward the surface. I am not steadfast but I am steady. I am not fighting the current, I am following. I am allowing myself to drift upward. Following the navigation of the forces around me instead of fighting to bend them to my will. I find they bend with me instead of against me if I don't push them so hard. I am working with the universe instead of fighting it. I am working with my spouse instead of fighting them. I can feel them drifting with me instead of away. I am moving up at a comfortable pace. I am weathering the bumps without panicking because I am buoyant.

Never forget your buoyancy. You are buoyant. You are always buoyant. If you can't swim, just relax.

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