Thursday, February 5, 2015

A Little Headspace.

I'm sure I've mentioned here at some point, a site I found called It's a site that offers guided meditations. The first ten are free and a kind of course on the basics of meditation presented in a way that builds upon itself for ten ten minute sessions designed to be completed over the course of ten days, one session a day. I completed the free ten sessions quite some time ago and the skills they taught me have proved invaluable. (This is in no way a paid endorsement of any kind. The folks at do not know I'm writing this and I will see no profit from it whatsoever.) I've been just going back to that final session whenever I need a little headspace and that's worked out well enough. I've always been very curious, though, about what the rest of the site behind the pay wall had to offer. There are very few sites I would even consider paying to use, but the free portion of this site was just so useful to me, I couldn't help but wonder what more they might have to offer.

The other night I was talking to a dear friend of mine and he mentioned that he's taken to meditating every morning. I pointed him to and told him how highly I thought of their free program and that I'd been thinking of subscribing the next time I had expendable income to expend on such things. Moments later an email dropped into my box with code for a gifted year of the service. He told me that he thought it was something I needed in my life more than anything right now: a little headspace.

Two days into the extended experience and I am not disappointed. The next section of sessions are five minutes longer and I find that I'm ready for that after the first ten. I find myself extremely collected after I finish the sessions and am able to channel stress out of the body in a much more positive manner than without taking the time to stop and really let my mind become as close to silent as it can possibly get (which isn't always that impressive, but always useful.) 

I love my friend for his generous gift. The thought behind it is what makes it so special. He knows that my life is in a place of chaos and upheaval at the moment and that the only thing that is going to bring peace is a peaceful mind and calm thoughts --the ability to move forward in this situation not stifled by the anxieties and insecurities of the mind. He is a true friend of the highest magnitude. 

I'll talk more in the future about what the site has to offer behind the pay wall, for those curious. So far, I am extremely happy with the experience. We'll see if it's worth the $8 a month. I am pretty optimistic and quite certain that it will be a tool I use often throughout the course of the year.

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